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§ 1
公司名称为SAAB AKTIEBOLAG. 上市公司(public).

§ 2
公司的业务目标是, 直接或间接, 开发, 代为, 向航空公司销售和维护产品, 工程电子工业, 并提供电子产品方面的技术服务和咨询, 电信和计算机领域. 行动主要针对国防物资. 公司还拥有和管理不动产和动产, 买卖权利, and engage in financing activities as well as any other business compatible therewith.

§ 3

§ 4

§ 5
The number of shares shall be not less than 450,000,000 and not more than 1,800,000,000.

§ 6
股票将分两个系列发行,指定为A系列和B系列. Shares of either series may be issued in a number equivalent to the entire share capital.

在股东大会上投票时, one share of Series A shall entitle the shareholder to ten votes and one share of Series B shall entitle the shareholder to one vote. 在所有其他方面,A系列和B系列的股份是相等的.

A shareholder is entitled to demand that shares of Series A in his possession be converted into shares of Series B. An application to this effect shall be submitted in writing to the Company's 董事会, stating how many shares the owner wishes to convert and supplying all and any other information and documents that the 董事会 may request. It is the duty of the Company's 董事会 to report such application for registration purposes within one month of receipt of the application. 转换自注册完成时生效.

§ 7
如果公司决定发行 new shares of Series A and Series B 通过现金发行或抵销发行, holders of shares of Series A and Series B shall have preferential right of subscription to new shares of the same share series in proportion to the number of shares already owned by the shareholder (primary preferential right). Shares which have not been acquired on the basis of primary preferential right shall be offered for subscription to 所有的股东 (subsidiary preferential right). If the shares thus offered are insufficient for subscription on the basis of subsidiary preferential right, the shares shall be allocated among the subscribers in proportion to the number of shares already held by them and, 在某种程度上,这是不可能做到的, 通过抽签.

如果公司决定发行 通过现金发行或抵销发行 shares either of Series A or Series B, 但不是两者都有, 所有的股东, 不管他们的股份是A轮还是B轮, shall have preferential right of subscription to new shares in proportion to the number of shares already held by them.

如果公司决定发行, 通过现金发行或抵销发行, 认股权证或可转换本票, 股东应当, 分别, have preferential right of subscription to the warrants as if the issue concerned the shares that may be subscribed under the warrant, and preferential right of subscription to the convertible promissory notes as if the issue concerned the shares that the convertible promissory notes may be exchanged for.

The above shall not entail any limitation to the possibility of reaching a decision on a cash issue or an issue by set-off departing from the shareholders' preferential right.

如果股本是通过发行红利而增加的, new shares of each series shall be issued in proportion to the number of shares of the same series as already exist. 在这方面, earlier shares of a specific series shall entitle the share-holder to new shares of the same series. This shall not entail any limitation to the possibility to issue shares of a new series through a bonus issue, 对公司章程进行必要的修订.

§ 8
In addition to the members who may in accordance with legal requirements be appointed by other than the General Meeting, the 董事会 of the Company shall comprise at least six (6) and at most twelve (12) regular members and at most four (4) deputies for such members.

§ 9
One or two 审计人员 with or without Deputy 审计人员 shall be appointed to examine the Company's Annual Report and accounts, as well as the administration of the Company's affairs by the 董事会 and the Managing Director (Sw. verkstallande direktor). 可以委托一家或者两家注册会计师事务所担任审计. The appointment as auditor shall apply until the close of the Annual General Meeting that is held during the first, 第二个, 在审计员当选后的第三或第四个财政年度.

§ 10

§ 11

§ 12
Notices convening a General Meeting shall be published in “Post- och Inrikes Tidningar” and on the website of the company. That notice has been given shall be published in “Dagens Nyheter” and “Svenska Dagbladet”.

Shareholders wishing to attend a General Meeting shall notify the Company no later than on the day specified in the notice convening the meeting, 说明助手的数量. 这一天可能不是星期天, 公众假期, 一个星期六, 仲夏前夜, 平安夜或新年夜, 并且不得早于会议前第五个工作日.

§ 13

  1. 选举会议主席
  2. 投票名单的批准
  3. 批准议程
  4. 选举一至二人核实会议记录
  5. 关于会议是否如期召开的动议
  6. 提交年度报告和审计报告, 以及合并年度报告和合并审计报告
  7. Resolutionsa. on approval of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet and the Consolidated Income Statement and Consolidated Balance Sheetb. 根据核准的资产负债表分配利润或亏损.c. on discharge of the 董事会 and the Managing Director from liability for their administration of the Company's affairs
  8. 规定常务理事和副理事的人数, 在适用情况下, 核数师及副核数师, 由周年股东大会委任
  9. 董事和审计师费用的规定
  10. 选举常务董事和副董事
  11. 在适用的情况下,选举审核员和副审核员
  12. 任何其他业务, 根据《亚洲体育博彩平台》或《博彩平台推荐》的规定, 须由年度股东大会审议

§ 14
The Company’s shares shall be registered in a CSD (Central Securities Depositary) register under the Central Securities Depositories and Financial Instruments Accounts Act (1998:1479).

§ 15
The 董事会 may resolve that persons not being shareholders of the company shall be entitled, 符合董事会规定的条件, 出席或以任何其他方式跟进股东大会的讨论.

董事会可以按照第七章的规定收取授权委托书, 第四节, 第二段, 《亚洲体育博彩平台》(2005:551).

The 董事会 may resolve before a General Meeting that 股东应当 be able to exercise their voting rights by post before the General Meeting as set out in Chapter 7, 《亚洲体育博彩平台》第4a条(2005:551).


